This week I decided to apply what we have doing in class with triangles to the real world. Just like pattern's, triangles are found everywhere in the world, whether it be in artwork or on everyday things, such as a street sign. 

Here are some examples of triangles that I see every day or can be found in everyday things. 

Every time I look at my iPhone this is the background I see, it is full of equilateral triangles. Some are bigger and some are smaller, depending on how you look at the design.  

Some street signs that I see almost everyday while driving to class have a triangle shape, such as the yield sign. 

(I did not take this photo, I searched for it on Google Images).

Even triangles can be found in nature. A lot of different types of flowers have triangular shapes. Also, I believe mountains have a triangular shape sometimes. 
There are also a lot of triangle designs and triangle art. 
Reflection: I always find it fun to incorporate art with math and I feel that kids would enjoy it also. Who doesn't love coloring and expressing their creative side with some construction paper and markers? Using art to help children learn different shapes is great for them to learn how to draw the shape and know what it looks like. Also, while creating their triangle math art it is likely that they will draw and discover different types of triangles, such as an equilateral, isosceles, acute, etc. 
Geometry is art! 

Feedback: What other creative ways could I teach children triangles besides using art? I love incorporating art in math lessons, but I do not want to overuse art when teaching math, just for the sake of children that do not enjoy art as much as other students. 
Reading Plan:
September 29- Chapter 1
October 6- Chapter 2
October 13- Chapter 3
October 20- Chapter 4
October 27- Chapter 5
November 3- Chapter 6
November 10- Chapter 7
November 17- Chapter 8
November 21- Chapter 9

10/7/2013 12:25:21 am

Triangles are also important for building stable structures. There's games, like the Triangle Detective. Since every polygon breaks down into triangles, they're good in puzzles (like tangrams or another we'll see later). Why do those real world triangles happen in an interesting question to explore.

5C's: didn't really address content. Could talk more about the types or properties, or get deeper into the teaching.
Other Cs: +

Jaden hiatt
8/30/2022 10:02:00 pm

I’ve been searching for why triangles are everywhere not just in building but in pop culture they are literally everywhere in our lives spiritually in religion they are there music they are there even buildings they are there but why tho


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